1. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Like a protein shake, oatmeal, eggs.
2. Make sure you are eating every 3 hours, 4-5 nutritious meals throughout the day.
3. Watch your portion sizes.
4. Begin an exercise program to help boost your metabolism. As you increase muscle mass you’ll increase the amount of calories you burn on a day to day basis.
5. Change your workout routine if you have been doing the same thing for a while, as your muscles tend to adjust to routine.
6. Manage your stress. Stress hormones can cause your weight loss to slow or encourage you to eat when you are not hungry. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and plan a fun activity to help reduce stress levels.
7. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
8. Use self affirmations. This is the time to reflect on your accomplishments. Notice the positive changes to your newfound body and.
9. Supplemental? Consider a natural supplement to help boost your metabolism (green tea)
10. Always remember to think positive!
Nichole Barras, BS, CLC, CPT