What is a Health and Wellness Coach?
A health and wellness coach is someone who is nationally certified through a National Accreditation such as the NCCA. NCCA accreditation serves as a standard for how organizations should conduct certification. Health and wellness coaches partner with clients seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness, thereby, enhancing well-being. In the course of their work, health and wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their capacity for change, and honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life.
A Health and Wellness Coach’s primary responsibility is to help Clients grow and progress toward their personalized health and wellness goals by inspiring them to take charge of their own life and support them in their lifestyle and behavior change efforts. Health and Wellness Coaches can also help individuals adhere to their doctor’s medical and health recommendations, including overcoming unhealthful behaviors that detract from a productive lifestyle and enhanced quality of life. I am here to guide and assist my clients by supporting them as they work toward achieving sustainable lifestyle changes.
Nichole offers individual 1-1 coaching sessions and packages to help you feel empowered and work toward becoming your best self! If you are ready to prioritize you and want to learn more about health and wellness coaching, please fill out the interest form below.
A Health and Wellness Coach is not licensed to diagnose, treat, prescribe or give advice, nor is it within the scope of practice to create individual meals plans for Clients. It is important to me to not only stay within my scope of practice, but to protect the safety of my clients, by referring them (with their consent) to a licensed professional to help with treatment.